Covid 19 Vaccinations
The health and safety of our community comes first for us at Eden Rise Village, and we’ve always been proud of our centre’s strong health care offering.
Did you know that you can now receive your Covid-19 Vaccination at our centre?
The Langmore Clinic and Eden Rise Pharmacy are now open for bookings.
We recommend you consult with your GP about what’s right for you – and once you’re ready, contact either venue to make a booking by calling Langmore Clinic 9703 9277 or Eden Rise Pharmacy 8794 7920.

Contactless Payment Now Available
Contactless payment is here at Eden Rise Village. It’s safe, convenient and the only way to pay for all of your essential purchases and services when in centre across the COVID-19 restriction period.

Your Wellbeing Is Our Priority
Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread of COVID-19, so before you leave home to visit our centre, if you feel unwell and have any symptoms, please stay home, seek medical advice and get tested. Do not go shopping before or after testing and wait until you have your test results come back negative.
When you are visiting our centre please remember:
- Wash or sanitise your hands regularly using the many sanitizers provided throughout the centre
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
- Respect the customer limits in place at each shop.
- Keep at least 1.5 metres distance between yourself and others, including while queuing.
- Avoid crowded indoor areas where possible, and move through entrances and exit points as efficiently as possible.
- Wash your hands when you get home.

Physical Distancing
When In Our Centre
We recognise the critical importance of physical distancing. To help you maintain the recommended 1.5 metre distancing while in our centres, we have closed the Eden Rise Village playground, and are working with our retailers to provide appropriate space for customer queues and are displaying government health advice across our screen network.
We apply the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene across our centre. We have increased the routine cleaning of frequently-touched hard surfaces.
We support all of our retailers in applying the same principles to the cleanliness and hygiene of their stores, and communicating how many patrons they can accommodate in their space, given the current restrictions.

Cleaning And Hygiene
- Regular cleaning of high touch areas
- Maintenance of hand sanitizer stations installed throughout the Centre
- Re-enforcement of social distancing via signage prominently in place throughout the centre
- Continue to promote awareness of required health practices to our customers via in centre updates.

Eden Rise Village provides an environment for low contact centre access – including no parking ticket machines. Not only does this provide you with an unlimited time to do your grocery shopping and attend to any health care appointments, it also means that you’re not faced with the task of placing coins/cards into machines and retrieving tickets, which can lead to exposure of COVID 19.